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Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
The Great Commission of Jesus is no less binding on us today than it was on the disciples of the First Century. In order to carry out the Commission of Christ today, workers are needed in every land, tongue and tribe, who are intellectually and scholastically prepared and spiritually mature, who have a desire to take the Gospel to their fellow men.

The main purpose of The National Bible College is to teach the Bible as the revealed will of God to man and as the only sufficient rule of faith and practice. In addition, we wish to teach other branches of learning which will aid in the understanding and teaching of the scriptures, and which will promote usefulness and good citizenship among men. We believe that ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge’ (Prov. 1:7), and that Christian education is education for eternity. Thus, we seek to lead each student to respect God, the Christ He sent, and the Bible as His revelation to man. This aim of spiritual development under girds our entire program. We wish to send well trained and able men into the field who are prepared to carry out the Great Commission of Christ in this age.

NBC is a non-denominational college for sound Bible education center. Its purpose is to provide an excellent Bible training for Asian Christian leadership and continuing education for those who already in the mission fields.

The aim of the National Bible College is to assist men of ability and desire to achieve their highest potentials for Christian Service. We believe that the application of Biblical Principles will cause men and women to be effective evangelists for Christ as well as loyal and responsible citizens of India.

Among the objectives of the National Bible College these are paramount:

               To provide fundamental instruction in the Holy Scriptures.

               To impart and emphasize the principles of good citizenship and encourage creative
                  thinking and research

               To encourage students to develop the character and discipline of Christ.

               To help the student gain practical experience in preaching, teaching and
                  personal evangelism.

               To hold up Christ as the example to follow in every field and activity.